Love INC Carver County


Our Mission:


Uniting the Faith Community to pool compassion and resources, delivering hope to neighbors in need.


Our Vision

Our vision is to see lives transformed. We seek to be a meaningful community partner that creates collaborative infrastructure to compassionately gift people with daily essentials. We seek to meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in Carver County, Minnesota. It’s the difference between offering a hand up, versus a hand out.

Featured Updates


EXCITING NEWS! Love Inc partners with Carver County for a Car Repair Assistance Grant

We are excited to announce that Love INC has partnered with Carver County to offer the Car Repair Assistance Grant (CRAG)! This program is designed to provide much-needed support to individuals and families who need help with car repairs.

What is CRAG?
CRAG offers financial assistance for essential car repairs, helping to ensure that your vehicle is safe and reliable. Whether it's a major fix or routine maintenance, we're here to help keep you on the road.

How to Apply:
To apply for the Car Repair Assistance Grant, simply visit our online online application form here and complete the necessary steps. Our team is ready to review your application and provide the assistance you need.

Why This Matters:
Reliable transportation is crucial for accessing work, education, and other vital services. By offering this grant, we aim to support our community members in maintaining their independence and improving their quality of life.

Spread the Word:
Help us get the word out by sharing this information with your friends, family, and anyone who might benefit from this program.

Applications available at:

Carver County Health & Human Services, 602 E 4th St, Chaska, MN 55318

or click Car Repair Assistance Grant Application link below:


Our Impact

Many of the neighbors we serve experience hardship, disadvantage and barriers that contribute to an overwhelming sense of isolation, fear, and loneliness. The Carver County Public Health Advisory is working on a long-term initiative that seeks to address the equity of health for everyone in the county. One of the pillar elements of community health is having a sense of “belonging.”

Love INC Carver County seeks to provide compassion to anyone and everyone the way Jesus Christ modeled love to us…unconditionally. Lives and communities change when the hopeless have hope, when the fearful live by faith and when every villager feels like they belong in the village.

Love INC Carver County answered over 2,200 calls for help in 2021 through our Helpline. The uniting of the Christian-Faith Community to work together along with local service agencies will change lives and this community as a powerful movement.

Love local!


Al Norby - Executive Director



Households served

In 2023 we served over 800 households and answered over 2,800 calls for help.



Years Serving communities

Initially serving only Eastern Carver County and District 112 residents, we expanded in 2020. Now we’re serving residents in District 110 and have over 30 partner churches.



68% Not part of faith community

We serve everyone within our coverage area no matter their race, color or creed. Most of our clients are not part of any church.


How it works…

Love INC Carver County works hard at nurturing relationships with churches, school districts, government agencies and other service organizations to identify unmet needs that emerge in the community. We mobilize the 30+ local churches in our network to build ministries that fill these gaps in local services so that neighbors get the help and hope they need.

We also serve with government agencies and other local charities by accepting referrals from them of people who need our help. When these organizations cannot provide assistance inside the scope of their resources, mandates and protocols neighbors in need get referred to Love INC. As well, when Love INC cannot meet a person’s needs, we will refer them to other service agencies who can.

1. “I need help.”  A person in need calls or emails the Love INC Help Line and requests help.

2. Compassion.  A Love INC staff or volunteer caringly listens to identify all of the caller’s needs and determines how we can best provide help.

3. Hope. Next, set in motion are the various “Gap Ministries” who will deliver whatever living essentials we are able to provide directly to our clients.

4. Community. Love INC staff and volunteers follow-up with every client to encourage, care and offer further support or referrals as needed.
